Friday, May 14, 2010

TweBot 2.0

This week, a new bot appeared which uses Twitter as its Command and Control channel. This isn't a new development in itself, but the author of this bot software, Korrupted, freely gave the bot away to script kiddies everywhere. Equally as amusing was the fact that all the commands the bot would respond to were hard-coded, and easily searchable on Twitter.

Spurred on by the excitement of skids everywhere being able to "DDoS from your cellphone", the media attention, or some combination of it all, Korrupted has released version 2 of his bot builder today.

As the screenshot shows, this version allows for custom commands, which should make it a bit less fun for people simply trying to search for bots with Twitter's search functionality. They're no more hidden than any other user on Twitter, however. You just have to know who you're looking for. Or, how they talk to their bots!

One other feature this version has is a hilarious disclaimer "absolving" the author from any wrongdoing:

Clearly, this is entirely original content! Find/Replace FAIL!